Monday, August 6, 2012

Goggle for Google!

Yes, our district loves Google! Well, at least most of the staff does! I have teachers say that, but once they understand how things work they quickly become fans.  We have found so many benefits in using Google Apps with not only the staff but our students as well.  Students have taken the initiative to submit homework through their Google Mail accounts, collaborate with each other on Science and History Fair projects, vote for officers using the Form created in Google by a teacher, and much, much more. We even had a parent complain because their child was monopolizing the home computer completing and submitting homework through email!

Google is "ever changing"! They often provide surveys as a way to see what is working, what is needed, and to get input from users. This year they have switched from what we know as "Google Docs" to "Google Drive". What is the difference you may ask? Here is a short video that explains!

Hopefully this video helped you understand some of the changes you will see!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! I had not taken the time to learn about Google Drive. I have now changed over!
